My life has been a progression of high crests and to a great degree dim valleys. I have lived in paradise and have floundered in damnation.

Yet I am still here.

More to the point, my life has been an existence of wonderful rainbows and to a great degree dangerous banana peels.

I've regularly ended up in a field of banana peels. Presently there's a harsh spot to escape. The moment you get back on your feet-WHAM! You slip on another peel and withdraw you go. The trap is to not let the circumstances that landed you in that darn field get into the center of your being.

The awful news is that the passageway to the field vanishes the moment you stroll in. You can't do a reversal. The uplifting news is that the way out is on the opposite side of the field.

The key is to transcend it and watch out for the edge of the field since that is the exit plan. On hands and knees... with extra special care... I've slithered out of the craziness of the banana peel fields.

Nobody is the same individual when they get out. You are distinctive. Your life is distinctive.

So you get away from the field and are high on a rainbow for some time. How fantastic! Your life is going easily, you're in an awesome relationship, you have cash, life is great and afterward...

Sit tight for it...


Down you go.

What was the deal?

Rainbows are elusive! It takes work to remain focused of them. Be cautious since when you slide off the rainbow, banana peels right away seem surrounding you, and you regularly don't see them until you are level on your back. Once more.

I've been there and done that a cluster of times. Such a large number of times you would feel that I am really great at staying out of them.


Life has a method for hitting you from behind when you are not looking, and regularly it will thump you level. The trap is to not stay there. You need to get up once more. Try not to permit your circumstances to slip into your spirit on the grounds that, on the off chance that you do, it's truly difficult to escape the banana peel field.

On the off chance that you need to remain focused rainbow, then you need to trust that you CAN and think decidedly. Predictable negative musings, for example, "I'll generally be fat" or "I'll never have enough cash" will keep you in the banana peel fields.

By the day's end, we come into this world alone and we take off alone, and along the way, we settle on choices on how we need our life to play out. Some work, others don't. Some raise us up on the rainbow, and others dive us into the banana peel fields. The secret to life is to gain from your stay in the fields and attempt and remain focused rainbows for whatever length of time that conceivable.

That is life, however, would it say it isn't? Life is loaded with amazing rainbow minutes and relentless voyages through the banana peel fields.

My greatest banana peel? Stage 3 bosom growth in 2012 at the age of fifty-one.

So how could i have been able to I get past all these negative occasions throughout my life and still stay positive? Wasn't generally simple. Regularly it was a moment by-moment decision.

Being certain is a direction for living.

It's a lifestyle that you pick.


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